I Never Eat Breakfast

Aug 3rd '14 22:11 PM
I never eat breakfast and everyone tells me it is not a good habit. The reality is I am not hungry when I wake up and I think it doesn't make sense to force food in my mouth when I have no hunger.

So is it really bad to skip breakfast?
Aug 4th '14 03:50 AM
I'm never hungry when I wake up, either. Eating breakfast is very difficult for me. The most I can manage when I first wake up is a cup of yogurt!
Aug 4th '14 07:04 AM
I don't eat breakfast much any more either but on the odd day if I wake up hungry then I will. Of if I'm doing a morning workout then I'll eat before that. I agree that you shouldn't force food in your mouth when you're not hungry. I would much rather save the food for when I am hungry and will enjoy it
Aug 4th '14 15:07 PM
I don't eat right when I wake up but I will eat within two hours of doing so, otherwise I feel like crude for the rest of the day. My husband has started to eat breakfast for the first time in about a decade and he notices a change too.
Aug 6th '14 13:41 PM
I find it hard to eat immediately on waking and even after an hour only fancy something small. Usually go for fruit and yoghurt
Aug 8th '14 18:20 PM
I also do not eat breakfast! I think it's completely ok to skip the breakfast but only if it means you will not eat more for dinner. The problem with giving up the breakfast the only one: you will eat more in the evening! but if you eat the same amount of food in the evening, forget about the breakfast and don't bother;-)
Aug 8th '14 22:19 PM
oh i do eat breakfast i always do ! even if it is just one toast but i can't have my coffee on a empty stomach .
Aug 9th '14 08:15 AM
Something small is good to kick start the day even if it's an hour after

I tend to have a shake for breakfast because I'm not a big breakfast person either.
Sep 24th '14 09:38 AM
Just eat an apple daily in the morning when you wake up. Its good for health and I prefer you don`t spend the morning without breakfast, take small even an apple.
Oct 4th '14 08:28 AM
I'm never eager when I wake up, either. Consuming breakfast is extremely troublesome for me. The most I can oversee when I first wake up is a container of yogurt!