I'm melting!

Jul 22nd '13 15:36 PM
It's 32 degrees here in Suffolk at the moment and my consumption of ice lollies is through the roof today. We have the curtains closed as the house is so much cooler when the sun isn't streaming into the room, but my poor old husband is suffering!
Jul 25th '13 09:56 AM
I'm so glad it's cooled down! It's still bloody hot when the sun's out, but I'm actually glad it's overcast today! Although I'm goin to have to use my tumble dryer. Only ever use it in summer cos in winter I just stick it all on the radiator!
Jul 25th '13 10:02 AM
It was so hot here yesterday that when the rain stopped, there was steam coming off the pavement!

It's cooled down today though which I'm happy about!