What did you eat today?

Jul 25th '13 16:22 PM
I really need to get started with growing my own food, I've been meaning to for ages!
Jul 25th '13 18:40 PM
Green day for me:

B: branflakes(b)+fruit+skimmed milk(a)
L: nothing but sf juice
D: quorn sausage,sw chips+carrot/swede

Still an a+b but will probably only use the b on alpen lights.
Syn free day so far so that's my evening sorted x
Jul 25th '13 20:40 PM
I had some malteasers they were a birthday present off the girls and they asked if we could have some! Had rice, roasted peppers and halloumi for tea!
Jul 29th '13 09:40 AM
Yesterday I had:

B - oatmeal
L - pasta and broccoli and mushrooms
D - fish and rice
S - cottage cheese, crisps, cup soup