Weight Loss Diet Plans

Jun 27th '18 13:02 PM
"Ditch the diet and start living" that is my moto.
Eating 4 or 5 healthy meals a day
Cutting out all sugars, and ready meals, alcohol
Drinking more water
Walking as much as I can 10,000 steps 3 times a week
No snacking after 7:00pm
The result I lost 35 pounds in 7 months without feeling hungry
Jan 24th '19 18:29 PM
I went thru a 9 days detox follow by 30 days rebuild program . Simple n healthy. Visible result on chin. Face jawline becomes very obvious after a few days detox . It tone up your body gradually . It reduce my visular fats n overall health.

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Jun 2nd '23 14:22 PM
An excellent weight-loss diet should consist of the following:

Dairy goods that are low-fat or fat-free
Foods high in protein, including lean meat, fish, skinless poultry, beans, and peas
Foods made from whole grains (such as whole wheat bread, oats, and brown rice)
Bread, crackers, bagels, pasta, cereal, and bread
Fruits, both fresh and dried
Veggies that are salt-free
Jun 3rd '23 06:35 AM
A well-rounded weight loss plan includes a balanced diet with portion control, emphasizing whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and monitoring overall calorie intake. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.
Jun 5th '23 08:13 AM
you can start by keeping an eye on your portion sizes to ensure you're not overeating. Use smaller plates and bowls to help control portion sizes visually. Minimize your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, sodas, and desserts. These tend to be high in calories and low in nutritional value.
Jun 22nd '23 18:37 PM
I'm all about eating whole, unprocessed foods and paying attention to portion size. Also, I love getting creative with the leftovers in my fridge. When it comes to exercise, I focus on moving my body in ways that I enjoy. Dance classes, yoga, and the occasional run are usually my go-to. Finally, I always try to stay hydrated and get plenty of sleep – those are key for healthy weight loss.