New healthy lifestyle tips?

Feb 23rd '15 23:34 PM
I've currently started a new healthy eating plan since January as I was always 8-10 but recently had 2 babies close together and give up smoking with a high weight gain I need too lose 4 stone ...any tips would be great 😊
Feb 24th '15 17:40 PM
Hello mumtomany.... what eating plan are you on or do you mean you just intend to eat healthily? One of the first best tips is trying to avoid long life and processed foods as much as possible/where possible. I don't 100% but I do try.

Well done on quitting smoking
Feb 24th '15 22:21 PM
Yes I'm just basically sticking to no junk rather difficult with the kids but I'm gonna try my best ....I'm just getting used to breakfast something I couldn't do before I was never a morning eater 😉 Thanks was tough going after smoking for 16 years but glad I've pasted that 🙌 xx
Feb 25th '15 15:59 PM
I'm also an ex smoker, quit end of last January and I always said I never wanted to but it's the best thing I ever did.

With the kids I started off buying things I didn't really like or I will pinch a biscuit etc. Willpower is a battle but if you resist you do feel SO SO great afterwards when you think about it.

I'm not a breakfast person either... I struggle but I have been on the opposite side of the benefit so I'd encourage you to try. I actually had shakes some mornings, porridge is a good quick healthy and energy releasing breakfast or yogurt with some fruit. I recently started buying fage after the PT recommended it, high in protein and adding berries (even a squirt of honey).

How old are the LO's?
Feb 25th '15 21:09 PM
Hi again Wobbles they are 13, 11, 9, 7, 4, 17 months and the youngest 6 months ♥ x
Feb 25th '15 21:11 PM
Did you find you had a big weight gain when you quit smoking ? Or was you good and dieted why quitting ??xx
Feb 26th '15 11:22 AM
Have fun with it, experiment with flavours.
Load up on greens.
Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring or bland.

Make sure you drunk plenty of water, it really does help to aid the weight loss and also exercise where possible, even if it's just increasing your steps x
Feb 26th '15 12:53 PM
Quote by mumtomany:
Hi again Wobbles they are 13, 11, 9, 7, 4, 17 months and the youngest 6 months ♥ x
Wowsers I did not expect that answer When you said 2 together I assumed you meant just the 2 but I've just clicked on to your username haha! You hope to have more? I grew up with some friends who were a big family they seemed super close.
Did you find you had a big weight gain when you quit smoking ? Or was you good and dieted why quitting ??xx
Have to admin I vape. I smoked ultra lights but too many a day so I went to low nicotine vaping now I vape less but no nicotine, I smoked for 20 years 30-40 a day in the end #yuk ... fortunately I'd already lost the bulk of my weight and one of the reasons to stop was I'd got the fitness bug and my chest hurt running so I stopped in time for a charity run I did to improve my fitness level. Vaping probably helped also or I'm not sure how it would have turned out weight wise!

You can do it, we can do it... can't turn back time can just aim for what you want out of the future
Feb 27th '15 19:42 PM
No more for me 😘 I had a csection and got sterilized when had the youngest 😉 I just really wanna get back to least a size 10-12 an maintain it and roughly wanna get down to 10 stone .......I'm hoping not to have any flabby bits aafter I've met my ideal weight 🙌 we can do it we can do it .....what's the best exercise for the tummy would you say ? At the min I'm not at any gym I'm doing walking/jogging using the stairs up and down lol skipping 😆 Any tips 😃 xx
Mar 2nd '15 16:41 PM
10-12 is my ideal, weight I like to see come down but if exercising it really isn't the main or only focus... when I say this though I need to also admit I have an addiction to the scales Actually more 10 because I bought a load of new clothes I've popped back out of!!!

I do bootcamp so get my tum things in there but I did once do some at home. Anything that pulls the tum like planks, crunches, v-sit, sit-ups etc squat too!