Does fasting jump start weight loss?

Jul 17th '14 18:15 PM
I was just wondering if fasting would help to jump start weight loss? If so, what type of fasting would be best for this? Does fasting mean you don't eat anything at all or only certain foods? Sorry for all of the questions, I am new to all of this.
Jul 17th '14 22:13 PM
i think everyone have different opinions and meaning of "Fasting " in the 5:2 diet you fasting 2 days a week meaning you only eat around 500 cals a day but truly fasting will be to not eat at all ( you can still drink of course)

don't know if it is a booster for weight lost but it kind of restart your mind in a way of not eating some type of food etc...
Jul 17th '14 23:15 PM
The only people I know (personally) who fast are those that never exercise. I don't get why you would do one without the other, it seems like they kind of both fit together, right?
Jul 18th '14 15:04 PM
I don't think I could handle not eating or limiting my calories to 500 a day. One of the things that appeals to me about intermittent fasting plans is that if you choose a plan like 10:14, you have a ten hour window to eat and you are fasting the next 14 hours. That seems like the best of both worlds to me.
Jul 18th '14 16:51 PM
Well fasting is rather controversial thing. From the one hand it helps you to start dieting plan, it reboots your organism and mind. From the other hand starving (or min of calories per day) slows down your metabolism! so it's up to you whether do fasting or not.
Jul 19th '14 08:14 AM
I think it probably can do but it would be hard to do for too long. I do intermittent fasting for 15 hours between 9pm to 12pm the following day and then consume all my calories in the 9 hours remaining. This works really well for me, but I am focusing on weight maintenance rather than weight loss, so I find this suits me really well. I don't think I would be able to do some of the really long fasts that people do. I would be so grumpy and then probably end up eating more at the end of it!

Jul 19th '14 23:28 PM
Okay, I didn't understand what the numbers meant but I am starting to get it now! I think I could do some of the ones where you just aren't eating for a set number of hours per day. I could probably stay under 500 calories a couple of days a week as well. Thanks for all of the answers guys!
Jul 29th '14 03:27 AM
I would assume that if you do not eat you will lose weight so of course fasting should jump start weight loss. I wish I could just stop eating pasta.
Jul 29th '14 16:38 PM
I have done detoxing and fasting (only intaking fluids) and it is a really great way to cleanse out your system. It is kind of true that it also helps to "reset" your mind and get mentally prepared for a new way of eating. I think you just have to fine the one that works for you.
Jul 31st '14 16:02 PM
Stephen Reed
Quote by GingerJV:
Well fasting is rather controversial thing. From the one hand it helps you to start dieting plan, it reboots your organism and mind. From the other hand starving (or min of calories per day) slows down your metabolism! so it's up to you whether do fasting or not.
Low calorie for the odd day hear or there won't have any dramatic slowdown of metabolism, in fact the cycling of calories is a good thing to keep things moving along.

It is chronic low calorie that results in metabolic slowing that will impede fat loss, not recommended.