Your strengths and weaknesses?

Jun 10th '13 22:49 PM
I can imagine thats so irritating. Where is it that you crack?

Do you pay extra for a PT or is it thru a gym referral too?
Jun 10th '13 22:55 PM
Shoulder blade on both sides x

No it's all in with cost I don't have one all the time just one of the PTs to get me onto a program then I can go to them if I have questions .. not really sure what happens when I complete this card. x
Jun 11th '13 17:24 PM
They'll prob try flog you a few extra sessions lol
Jun 11th '13 18:15 PM
It all comes with membership. Only extra charges are certain classes x
Jun 11th '13 22:33 PM
I don't know which is my weak area but i know i have biceps like a geet big hairy bloke right now! It wasn't my aim at all BTW lol There going down a bit now as i haven't been doing the weights much over the last 3 weeks as my back has been so bad. Ive just been power walking up hill on the tredmill mostly. Actually, thats my weak thing......cardio! But i would need to quit smoking to get better at that and if i quit im scared i'll put weight back on so i'm quite happy panting like a dog thats about to get laid for the moment xx
Jun 12th '13 08:38 AM
Just keep doing it and you'll get better, obv not as much as if you didn't smoke but you'll improve a lot!!
Oct 6th '13 22:15 PM
My arms are my weakest area. I can't do push ups for anything. I also have a lot of weakness in my abdominal muscles. I carry so much of my weight in my abdominal area that it makes doing the exercises very difficult. They are getting better however and I'm not giving up.
Oct 7th '13 12:07 PM
My arms are definitely my weak spot too! They always have been though, I did a lot of ballet in my younger years and needed nice floaty arms and strong everything else! I remember having my bcg in school and it took two nurses to try and find some muscle to inject into
Oct 7th '13 16:02 PM
I am really unfit at the moment, so everything is weak!

I would say my legs are probably my strongest point although they ache easily.

I've never been able to do a press up

Oct 7th '13 17:06 PM
My back's really weak too I've discovered! You know those reverse crunch things where you bring your legs up? I can't do them at all! I dunno if that's abs or back though it's my back that really feels it though!