Weight Watchers frozen meals nice or avoid?

Jan 27th '14 21:21 PM
Are Weight Watchers frozen meals nice? Would you recommend any? I like most things but fish.

It isn't ideal but sometimes I just want something quick and easy.
Jan 27th '14 22:18 PM
I like the chicken hotpot... I cook parsnips and steamed veg for with it. Not had it in a while actually so that might be an idea for this week! The lasagne was also nice to my surprise and have done SW style oven chips with that or salad!
Jan 28th '14 03:52 AM
I like some of their meals, but not many. I actually like the Lean Cuisine dinners the best out of all of them. Weight Watchers' frozen desserts are really good, though.
Jan 28th '14 20:12 PM
Ah yes the weight watchers jaffa cakes are lovely, just not big enough
Jan 28th '14 23:08 PM
They are okay. Nothing to jump for joy about and your taste buds won't be throwing any parties, but they serve for a decent quick lunch or dinner. I try to cook fresh and freeze my own portioned out meals, but well... who always has time for that?
Jan 28th '14 23:24 PM
I do try and freeze things too but yes time not always on my side or sometimes I think about making double quantities after when it's too late
Jan 29th '14 21:25 PM
I have to say that the new Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers are very good. They recently came out and I've tried three of them. The portion is satisfying and still about 300 calories.
Feb 3rd '14 11:51 AM
I used to have the frozen meals a few years ago and they were so nice but so not filling!
Feb 3rd '14 14:09 PM
I tried them for lunch. They were okay. Not something I would want to eat every single day. They work though when you need something quick and don't have time to make something.
Feb 3rd '14 17:09 PM
I used to buy them to take to work because they were convenient and I could throw them in the microwave during my lunch break. I still do that sometimes but not as often because it gets too expensive and homemade food just tastes better.