Christmas was my weigh-in day...

Dec 26th '13 19:16 PM
Christmas was my weigh-in day (always on Wednesday for me) but with everything going on, I completely forgot about. I weighed in today and the results weren't so good. Up several pounds from last week, I'm guessing from all the Christmas food. Looks like my double workout on Christmas Eve didn't do quite as much good as I'd hoped!

Anyone else see weight gain between November and December?
Dec 26th '13 19:37 PM
I wouldn't worry too much hun, it'll just be the amount of food consumed! There is a chance you're retaining water from the double workout too!

I've gained already this week, but am trying not to stress cos I see it as a week to relax, over indulge and then get back on it!
Dec 26th '13 20:08 PM
I wouldn't worry about it as it's normal to gain weight over Christmas. There is so much eating involved over Christmas! The weight will soon drop off again
Dec 26th '13 20:19 PM
I've gained weight this week, too, so don't feel bad. We'll all be able to get it back off soon enough. In the meantime, enjoy the holidays.
Dec 27th '13 13:17 PM
Thanks, everyone. My hubby said pretty much the same thing -- that almost everyone gains weight over the holidays and there isn't really any way to avoid it unless you avoid all that food like the plague, ha. I guess I'll just keep with the double workouts until I get the weight back off. I'm actually kind of liking them now.
Dec 27th '13 16:45 PM
This week was the first week in a few years that I skipped my check-in and I was not really worried about it. There was a holiday, it was not like I was just playing hookey.
Dec 27th '13 16:49 PM
I gained weight too. I'm not happy about it but I'm not surprised, since I had great difficulty resisting temptation. Here's hoping that January is a better month!