Does anyone remember the OLD days of Weight Watchers?

Nov 12th '13 19:02 PM
I was just thinking about this the other day. You had to have liver at least once a week. You had to have fish something like 4 times a week, but if you ate it at breakfast, it didn't count. I also seem to remember that olive oil was frowned on. They loved hawking their diet margarine, though! Does anyone else remember this?
Nov 13th '13 00:03 AM
I do Aims. I remember sitting down on Sunday afternoon and making out my menu for the week and then going to the grocery store. It was a rather strict regimen. We opted for chicken livers and I found a low calorie marinara type sauce to serve with them. I wish I still had that recipe. We still like chicken livers.
Nov 13th '13 04:20 AM
I don't remember this at all; I guess they have made a lot of changes in all the years that they have been selling weight loss services. By the time I joined, you could eat whatever you wanted but you only had so many points to get you through the day.
Nov 13th '13 12:55 PM
I just remember the little circle pointer and half points lol
Nov 13th '13 15:56 PM
That sounds torturous, aims. I would never be able to follow that, if for no other reason than I can not even be in the room with liver without being grossed out. I am glad that they have changed it so much!
Nov 14th '13 19:49 PM
Liver once a week? Holy gross! I know I could never have followed that diet. I like fish but I wouldn't eat it four times a week. I wouldn't even know how to cook it four times a week. I'm glad I wasn't trying to follow Weight Watchers back in the old days.