Last week was all about ...

Mar 4th '16 13:15 PM
Toast and sandwiches! #hide

I've not ate so much bread in a long time but with being a little poorly the I don't care mode kicked in ... I grabbed for the bread a lot.

After really limiting how much I ate I think it contributed to feeling crap by the end of the week... bloated!

What foods do you get caught in a trap with?
Mar 4th '16 13:39 PM
I am the same with bread. It is just such a convenient food and goes with so many things, it can be hard not to fall into the trap of it, but it always winds up making me feel crap after eating too much of it!
Mar 4th '16 15:08 PM
Bread is one for me!
I generally don't eat it as I'm not a huge fan of wholemeal, especially toasted!
But we've got the 50/50 bread in at the minute and I'm finding myself reaching for it to make toasties or sandwiches!

I've had quite a bit of it this week too, had a migraine the other day and all I wanted was food, but work had no wholemeal so it was full white! twice oh dear!!
Mar 9th '16 13:39 PM
It's been so long since I fell into the bread trap but some times it was that or nothing!

Wholemeal took me a while but now I most often than not prefer it ... although white FRESH crusty bread is a total weakness!