Stress eating at work

Sep 16th '15 17:02 PM
I love my job, but, it really stresses me out sometimes! And when it does, I head straight for the chocolate today has been a bad day!

It's such a horrible feeling knowing that i'm going to have to work extra hard to shift the pounds i've just put back on in the space of 10 minutes

How do you all manage to stick to a healthy eating plan at work/when you are stressed?

Sep 16th '15 17:35 PM
I know that feeling completely! I'm the first person to reach for the goodies when things get tough. I take a tub of fruit to work now so I know I've always got a healthier option to turn to. However it's not always that simple. Sometimes I've had to take the syns from a binge on the chin and make up for it in the following days by lowering my intake of syns. Its a learning curve. I've done it often enough now to realise that food is not the answer. If you manage to get through a stressful day, try rewarding yourself with something non-food related.
Sep 17th '15 13:21 PM
If you like chocolate how about chocolate coated rice crackers? They are lower in calories and a little filling?
Sep 18th '15 12:55 PM
Hope some of these suggestions help. Like AliCat says its trying to find non food related things. Being at work just makes it more challenging.

Carry some happy music on a phone, mp3 player etc when start getting stressed pop in an earphone. I used to have one earphone in all day when worked in shared office . Listening to audio lectures etc.

Avoid excessive caffine. Its a neurotoxin that jangles your nerves.

Small book/kindle/droid tablet. If things get tough pop to toilet. Put seat down and sit and have 5 mins reading. Mumbling 'dodgy takeaway' stops all questions.

Am lucky as a technician I can pick up any generic computer part or peripheral and go for a short walk. Often see other people walking notepads or letters. Clipboards are the tops though Make sure to vary your path regular for good counter surveillance.

Simple meditation techniques like making a happy place. Creating imaginary coloured energy balls etc. I like simple darkness techniques. Find a really dark place and spend a while there just relaxing and getting a sense of it. Next time you feel stressed recall the feeling of darkness. If you can make it work it likes getting a comforting hug. Kind of tricks your body into that relaxed pre sleep state. There's hundreds on net.

Or if want practical try researching 'memory palaces'. See how far can push the limits of what you can remember. Build a virtual world of knowledge in your head.

Bit more fun? Try positive thinking manifestation. Imagine something unusual that could happen but be specific. More probable, clearer and more defined the event the better. Like wouldn't it be fun if some one came in the office with a red balloon? Then just wait for it to happen. lol, who knows? Seems to be popular pass time on net at moment People thinking of money and getting rich then finding notes, coins etc.. Am currently waiting for Geri Halliwell to bring me a cuppa gotta aim big lol.

There is the Mindfulness thing. The whole Zen chopping wood , carrying water. Just focussing on the task you are doing without your mind making up stories about it or attaching meaning to it that impacts on your sense of identity. Great for nipping stress in the bud but hard to master.

Am learning the old style Calligraphy so can turn my post it notes into mini works of art With the big fancy Capital letter at the start.

Hope you have fun and good luck with the weight loss.
Oct 14th '15 10:06 AM
It's mostly about breaking the habit of stress = head for chocolate. Every now and then you just can't beat yourself up but if it's frequently you will need a little willpower to go with breaking the habit... it's not easy but totally doable

A large class of water - Lemon water is good for you if you can. This helps you feel fuller for a start then if you still wish to snack I would go for:
Kallo dark chocolate rice cake
Pot sugar free jelly (I find raspberry the sweetest)
Berries - Sweet and also good for you
Total 0% and honey pot which is natural sugar and great protein

Can't be good to feel so stressed in your job