Saved from cravings by an ice cream van

May 11th '15 13:02 PM
I had got through Friday night takeaway cravings by caving in to temptations and grabbing a chicken piziola from Subway at dinnertime and skipping tea. Then Saturday arrived. My worst day of the week. Normally Saturday is either an order to my local deli or a mass Dominos splurge. Breakfast was museli and rice milk. Dinner a healthy options chicken and broccoli pie and tea, sausage with root veg mash. Then it happened, sat watching tv and someone was making cookies. Now I know to avoid cookery programs and channel hop food adverts but this was a sci fi show I didn't anticipate freshly baked chocolate chip cookies featuring. The voice kicked in mmm cookies what a good idea. I took a shower, cookies. Played a computer game, cookies. Tried drowning it out with loud heavy metal, cookies. Just as I felt like my head was made of eggshell and I was about to crack I heard the music of the ice cream van. Two bunny ear twisters later and the tormenting voice had shut the hell up Now this may not seem a huge victory but for me cookies come from Dominos which means two large pizzas, several sides, cookies, at least one other desert and a bottle of pop. I figure 4 flakes, two ice cream cones, a splash of raspberry syrup and two dollops of ice cream is less than 2000 calories with my healthy eating adding around another 1200 it was still less than the 4 thousand few hundred it takes to maintain my body weight. My Dominos order would have crash gained me around 5lbs where as my ice cream binge seemed to have little impact So I am still living here in the naughty corner but I don't feel as bad and at least I can say weight loss last week was about 12lbs lets hope I can repeat it every week until I disapear lol.
May 11th '15 14:47 PM
Glad you found an enjoyable way to avoid the cravings!

I had an ice cream last night as well at around 9pm. The ice cream van comes round about 5 times a day at all hours!

May 12th '15 11:14 AM
its a daily battle. Today i lost again. I adore those cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing and during my morning shop I saw them. In my head I argued that I should buy the large tear and share as I would be taking it into the office and just sitting there eating a small single one wouldn't be polite Having just nom'd the lot with a couple of cuppas I figure if I crank out a couple of hours on the exercise bike I should still be okay for a small weight loss.
May 13th '15 09:33 AM
I have never tried those cinnamon rolls before but they sound nice!