I just want pizza...

Jul 11th '14 01:46 AM
Lately, my craving for pizza has been getting harder and harder to ignore. I've tried to think of some healthier options, but I can't quite get around the problem of cheese.

Anyone have any healthy pizza tricks for me? Maybe there's a combination out there that would be diet friendly. One can hope!
Jul 11th '14 22:11 PM
Unless it's going to set you off on month-long pizza binge, I would suggest giving in to the craving by going to your favorite pizza place and ordering one or two slices of your most favorite type of pizza and then allow yourself to eat it guilt-free. Just cut down on calories (or carb grams or whatever else you count) over the next couple days to compensate for the "expenditure."

I know when I continually deny myself a food favorite, I wind up overeating other foods in an attempt to satisfy the craving.
Jul 12th '14 01:14 AM
I also am a pizza freak and I struggle all the time trying to control myself from eating pizza. What do we do? Pray? I say you eat your pizza once or twice a month, but prepare yourself for it. What does this mean? Go on a diet before hand or that day, before you eat the pizza, do not eat anything because we all know pizza is really fattening and the diet pizza stuff tastes horrible.
Jul 12th '14 08:02 AM
I say a little bit of what you fancy does you good! I would have some pizza as a treat and then get back on track
Sometimes denying yourself can make you want the food more and then leads to a binge.

Jul 13th '14 23:40 PM
Sometimes we have a little of what we love, the only reason I try and avoid pizza now is because it's helps my IBS loadsssss and I regret it when I cave. What about cheese and some veg etc melted under grill on toast for the days you don't want to cave
Dec 13th '15 15:30 PM
I agree with Bev, it's better to have a slice or two of the pizza you love with some salad than trying hard not to have any and ending up having lots of it.
I've made coliflower pizza before and it's really nice, the coliflower doesn't taste like coliflower so makes it healthy and really tasty.
You could also try having a tortilla wrap with tomato purée and mozzarella plus any other toppings you like and then toast it a bit in the oven
Dec 14th '15 08:43 AM
I love pizza. It somehow fills all the other voids in my life...sigh. Anyway when you get your pizza grab a side salad. Drink a large glass of water and slowly eat your salad with whatever dressing you like. This kills that shark attack first hunger kind of munching. Then sit back and nom your pizza. If you eat it all, great you were hungry. If you don't even better, it lasts 3 days in the fridge. I love Caesar salads the most, got that whole cheese on toast celebration thing going on. Cheese is psychologically addictive it releases a feel good chemical in your brain. ( L-Tyrosine supplement can help overcome this ) The other thing is it could be a sign of calcium deficiency as your body craves what, it thinks, gives it what it needs. ( pop a calcium supplement or eat more leafy greens/chickpeas ) Hope some of that is useful Pizza is also my Kryptonite, along with cake, burgers, kebabs, pies, biscuits, chocolate and pop Oh and ice cream. Have fun and good luck.
( Goodfellas do a low fat low calorie pizza that's not too bad ) Littlefellas chicken pizza, 325cals ish and 5.6g of fat per pizza although for more fun make your own.
Dec 16th '15 12:32 PM
I have heard of these cauliflower pizzas. Has anyone tried those?

Belle xx
Dec 18th '15 13:28 PM
I've made cauli pizza and really liked it
Dec 18th '15 15:52 PM
It's a bit of a faf squizzing the liquid out of them but they are tasty with some tomato purée and mozzarella