One thing after another

Jun 15th '14 15:14 PM
Gosh, this month I have struggled so much! My last period was a killer and I just couldn't do anything right. Then we had a family drama that got me so wound up I just couldn't get motivated to work out. Then I had a dentist visit and my mouth ended up super sore for a few days. Now that things have gotten back to "normal", I'm hoping to get back in the saddle...wish me luck!
Jun 15th '14 16:35 PM
Gosh I sure hope things settle down for you! I haven't had all that going on and still find it hard to get motivated, so I can only imagine how difficult it has been for you. Best of luck getting back on track!
Jun 15th '14 16:52 PM
You have had a tough time lately haven't you I hope things start to calm down soon
Jun 15th '14 19:51 PM
Hope you have a better week to come we all float off but if you can get back on that's a good sign
Jun 16th '14 13:51 PM
Luck is always needed when things rack up like that. For some reason things seem to bulk up and always happen at once, it shocks me sometimes that we can go months without issues and then one week of insanity almost kills us when it hits.
Jun 16th '14 17:29 PM
The problem never come all alone! there are always lots of "friends" one problem brings with itself!(((( sad story(( I hope this week will be much better for you!! Good luck!
Jun 18th '14 12:16 PM
Thanks for all the encouragement everyone, it makes me feel better. This week has already been better, things do seem back to normal now, although I put on almost a kilo from the over eating. I'll have to watch myself again to get back on track, but it's so great to know I'm not alone!! Thanks!
Jun 18th '14 15:25 PM
Glad you've had a better week. You'll get back on track
Jun 19th '14 18:56 PM
Glad you're having a better week