Hard to Find Time

Jun 1st '14 03:57 AM
I am having a hard time finding the energy and extra time to cook and make healthy choices. I have a newborn and a toddler and we are still adjusting to the change in our family. It is so much easier to just grab takeout or a junk food snack. I was doing well while I was on maternity leave, but now I am struggling. Has anyone had a similar experience?
Jun 1st '14 20:36 PM
A newborn! Oh yes, I remember those days. Walking around like a zombie half of the time with no time or inclination to cook

You're already off maternity leave? You're brave. How old is little one now?

Jun 1st '14 20:59 PM
I remember those days quite well!

Would it be possible for you to batch make some things then you can freeze and take out the night before. Have you got a slow cooker? This is one of my favourite kitchen gadgets.

Welcome to the forum ender
Jun 2nd '14 02:13 AM
I remember those days too. You have to get back in the routine of eating healthy though. Can you cook more meals on the weekend and then reheat them during the busy weeknights?
Jun 3rd '14 03:57 AM
Freezing and reheating is a great idea! I need to sit down and find a few recipes and cook on the weekend. Using a slow cooker is also a good idea, I just have the hardest time finding lighter recipes for the summer.
Jun 4th '14 09:52 AM
Oh goodness I remember those days so well!

I agree with the others that making batch meals and freezing is a great idea and will save you a lot of time

I have a slow cooker but have never used it yet. I've heard they're great though!

Jun 4th '14 11:37 AM
I do not have babies, but my best friend has. I remember what look had her fridge inside)) No time for cooking for sure! Freezing is good. My friend chose for herself mostly salads (in addition she lost weight)) and oven is a great deal - just put food inside set the timer and go!)
Jun 4th '14 11:37 AM
While newborns are fun I can tell you that at some point you are going to need to make the time otherwise it will be that much harder for you to get going. When I avoided the task of making time I gained about 60lbs. One day I just woke up with shock in my face wondering what had "just" happened.
Jun 5th '14 11:18 AM
Avidian, i suppose most of gained weight because of this lack of time too!! i am trying to find time every day. Make food even at midnight if i know that tomorrow i won't have time for it((
Jun 7th '14 04:41 AM
This week I tried just focusing on getting lunches done ahead. I ended up cutting and bagging veggies and snacks immediately after shopping. It worked out great and even just doing that helped me stay on track!