A piece of cake did me in!

May 6th '14 01:17 AM
Someone decided to leave leftover cake sitting on the staff lunch table. I couldn't help myself and had a piece. I've been beating myself up about it until I realized it's just one piece and I'm eating my regular diet foods. I shouldn't be so hard on myself.
May 6th '14 08:40 AM
Cake can be so hard to resist!

You're right though, it was only one piece and you've eaten well apart from that, so don't beat yourself up. We all need a treat now and then

May 6th '14 08:50 AM
I feel you. Cake is nearly impossible for me to resist. I have a killer sweet tooth. But as long as you only eat it once in a while, it won't kill you. Just fit in an extra walk or something--that's what I do.