Botox - yes or no?

Oct 5th '13 13:30 PM
Sooner or later everything on your body is going to start heading south, and that includes the face. Even before that stage, we'd all like to look as young at forty as we did at twenty-five. I've heard both success and horror stories of those who have gone down the botox and face-lift route. I think that botox is a bit too much for me. Would you try it out, or have you tried it with great results?
Oct 5th '13 14:22 PM
I do not have enough money that I can throw away on vanity. I am also leery about having someone inject poison into my face.
Oct 6th '13 13:44 PM
I wouldn't even think about botox. I'm not at all impressed by the way it makes people look like plastic dolls. I'd rather become old and wrinkly than inject poison into my face. Celebrities are even moving off botox on to Hyaluronic Acid. I'll wait and see if their faces fall off before I can even look it up.
Oct 6th '13 14:00 PM
If I had the money, I would totally get plastic surgery when it gets to the point that I need it. (Not yet!) As for Botox, I don't think I would do that. I agree that it makes people look too expressionless and odd.
Oct 6th '13 17:08 PM
I definitely wouldn't want botox. I think I'd be too worried about it looking unnatural!
Oct 6th '13 19:34 PM
I'd never get Botox! Some of the sights I've seen are horrendous! I'm quite lucky cos I've got a real babyface - someone told me a few weeks ago they thought I was school age, I'm 25 I'd have a face peel or something though, my skin's horrific, I've never got past the teenage acne stage!