Anyone watch Dexter?

Sep 24th '13 16:01 PM
I just caught up on the final episode of the series last night. I don't want to say anything to spoil the ending for anyone that may not have seen it yet, but wow... I am disappointed in the direction they went with the ending. I can't say I was not surprised though. I didn't see that coming.
Sep 25th '13 10:33 AM
We've got series 1 on DVD, but I've still not watched it! It's meant to be amazing though!
Sep 25th '13 13:10 PM
Jeans, pray tell! You say you are disappointed, so now I am very anxious. What happens with Dexter? You can give a little hint. I have an entire week before I see that episode so help a sister out.
Sep 25th '13 15:50 PM
Oh, my gosh, sizeseven, I can't tell you! PrincessPikachu hasn't even started to watch yet and if I spill the ending it would ruin it!

I'll give you one little spoiler. Dexter's boat "The Slice of Life" is smashed in a hurricane.