Puberty bumps

Sep 20th '13 09:51 AM
Lately my thirteen year old daughter has been coming home from school almost in tears every other day. The reason is always the same; some boys on the street try to follow her home and whistle at her.
I know I shouldn't be laughing because it's kind of nice and sweet that she's not running into their arms yet. I just hold her and hug her and tell her that it's part of growing up, and it's only the beginning. Just last year she was complaining that all her friends had breasts and had started their periods. Now her breasts have just started showing, and the boys are noticing. I wish I could freeze her in this moment.
Sep 20th '13 10:28 AM
Aww bless her! Poor girl! Boys can be so silly, it really does take them a long time to grow up!
Sep 20th '13 14:32 PM
We all go through that at one point or another. My oldest is a boy so I am lucky with him but his little sister is well on her way and she already has a prance she does. It just drives me crazy how quick they grow up!!
Sep 20th '13 14:51 PM
I remember that stage of my life so clearly. I couldn't leave the house without a baggy sweater. The problem wasn't even the boys; it was grown men! I found it so annoying and creepy that they couldn't notice that I was still a child. It would be easier if we were all born looking like women, but just smaller.
Sep 20th '13 21:12 PM
I remember those days. I was endowed early and it was rough. I hated when cars would honk when I was walking down the street or riding my bike. I would turn around and glare at them. It makes me wonder if guys realize how young some of the girls are that they are ogling.

Times goes fast, doesn't it?