Busy, busy weekend!

Sep 9th '13 09:13 AM
I feel like I've not stopped! Saturday we were dog sitting, which seemed to make everything harder and yesterday we went for a walk and to ikea! Spent the evening making flat pack furniture and putting together pretty bits! My hall looks lovely now though! And mixed into all that was tea, bath time and ready for bed! Luckily they went down easily cos they were excited for school!

An added bonus too, my OHs said if I can keep the kitchen clutter free (I'm the queen of clutter ) I can have a table in there! It's a tiny kitchen, but I'd far rather have a little table in there than in our living/dining room! So the mission's on today!

What's everyone else been up to?!
Sep 9th '13 14:29 PM
Weekend? I haven't stopped for 7 weeks, I'm exhausted!

Trying to wind down today and have my head in work, etc. Back and butt now sore... I've had lots of coffee *tut tut*!
