
Apr 21st '17 14:25 PM
Hi guys anyone here living abroad? I'm from Lancashire but living in Malaysia... Where are you guys living?
Jun 2nd '17 16:35 PM
Unfortunately not

What too you to Malaysia? x
Jun 2nd '17 23:23 PM
Oh wow i bet thats an amazing place to live! What is the food like there xx
Jun 3rd '17 01:46 AM
Hi linzi the local food is amazing, every fresh, lots of fish and seafood and relatively cheap. There is also your regular fast food outlets which I never go. On the downside, a lot of their local dishes are deep fried, or with a heavy rich sauce so if I'm on a bad week eating out a lot, I could do a lot of damage to my weight loss because the food is so dam good lol. 🇲🇾 One good thing is that there isn't any ready made meals here which means cooking from scratch so it's a slimmingworld friendly place really lol