Do you feel safe walking at night?

Aug 19th '13 19:51 PM
It's too hot in the daytime so I like to walk at night. It's really dark where I live without too many street lamps and there aren't any sidewalks on my street. Maybe I should get a big, grumpy dog to go along with me.
Aug 20th '13 13:31 PM
The trouble with a dog is you have to make those same walks when the snow is turning to slush and ice! Maybe it's worth asking around to see if some other women who live close to you would like to join the walk?
Aug 20th '13 15:25 PM
I'd probably see if anyone would join me x
Aug 20th '13 18:28 PM
When we do walks around the block we take our dogs with us. Mine is a 80+ pound Shepard/Lab mix and my better half have an almost three year old Beagle. No one is going to bother us with the bigger dog, during the times I walk alone I always have a quick release knife on me (until weapons permit comes through).
Aug 20th '13 22:04 PM
I feel safe walking around here at night, I live in a really safe area! Ive lived in some places though where walking alone at night was rather scary! I agree about asking around to see if there's anyone else that would be wanting to go walking, safety in numbers and all that!
Aug 21st '13 07:58 AM
I never walk alone at night because my neighborhood has very poor lighting and I don't see well in the dark. I only feel safe if my husband is there to hold my hand.