My due date today!

Dec 29th '15 18:06 PM
Can't believe my due date is here already! No signs at all though so I think he's staying comfy in there for a while yet!
Dec 29th '15 21:22 PM
Awww how fab!! Really hope baby arrives and you have a wonderful birth. Keep breathing and remember the 'peak' of a contraction means it's decreasing and one less before baby is in your arms!
You can do this!
Dec 29th '15 21:47 PM
Thank you! That is a good way to think about it!
Dec 30th '15 00:07 AM
hypnobirthing was a good read and helped me with my home birth with youngest the mental side of it really hit home in a positive way. the other aspect was to trust the two sets of muscles round the womb to do their job, just as our legs do when we walk, or our bowels do when we go to the loo! lol sounds odd I know.
Dec 30th '15 10:40 AM
That's so exciting Bev! Keep us posted
Dec 30th '15 20:21 PM
I was due to have a sweep today, but the midwife couldn't do the sweep in the end as baby is not engaged anymore and his head is too high. He was deeply engaged a few weeks back but somehow has managed to get himself into an oblique (diagonal) position with his head stuck on my pelvis/hip bone and is still back to back, so that is what is stopping me going into labour. She said to spend time on all fours to encourage him to move into the correct position, but she said if my waters break I have to go to the hospital immediately as there is a risk of cord prolapse
Dec 31st '15 10:53 AM
Ooh heck! I hope he engages soon x
Jan 2nd '16 00:09 AM
How are things going? Any sign of baby engaging? hope so for your sake. x
Jan 2nd '16 12:24 PM
Still no signs, I feel like I'm going to be pregnant forever! Got an appointment on Tuesday to see what's happening!
Jan 3rd '16 15:25 PM
good luck on tuesday.