Debate: Now mother given dummy implant and paid £44,000 in compensation. Justified?

Jul 19th '13 16:06 PM
I'm really, really torn on this one! I keep thinking it through and can't make up my mind! Because on one hand, if she's had to give up her job and lifestyle because of it, then yes, the doctor's actions have had a big effect on the family's life. But if it was coming up to 3 years, then everyone that's got an implant should know that they're not as highly effective then anyway and she could have got pregnant anyway.

Quite a large part of me though is saying that if you don't want another child, then the only reliable method is not to have sex! Or the snip
Jul 19th '13 17:07 PM
On a slightly touchier more taboo note, nobody forced her to keep the kids if her lifestyle, career etc were so important to her?
Jul 19th '13 18:00 PM
True! Although I know for me personally it's a choice I wouldn't make unless medically necessary. But if I really didn't want a baby I'd keep my legs shut
Jul 22nd '13 09:10 AM
Bar-Belle ...i thought of that but the article said that she is catholic etc and will never done that ...i guess abortion or adoption will be against her beliefs ...