It's almost Friday

Jul 18th '13 11:04 AM
Well technically it is for me because I don't work Fridays, but what have you got planned for the weekend?
Jul 18th '13 12:01 PM
Alcohol OHs working sat and the girls are at their dads, so I may spend the day in the garden! And then I dunno about Sunday!
Jul 18th '13 12:11 PM
I'd love to head to the beach this weekend but we'll have to see if money allows as we have a tonne of niggly bills to pay

Tomorrow will be food shopping though, not looking forward to that with the kids again, especially in this heat Might go very early.

Saturday will be mostly washing/cleaning up and maybe getting the painting finished if I can't today. It is BOILING here today!

Sunday, ideally take the kids to the beach, take them to the amusements/rides and coastal drive and picnic
Jul 18th '13 12:30 PM
I need to do a food shop absolutely categorically not taking the kids though! I hate to say it, but I hope it cools down a little soon! Its too hot for the kids out ATM and it's a bloody nightmare!
Jul 18th '13 14:04 PM
Nothing much planned for us this weekend. According to met office it's going to be much cooler which is a good start. I'll probably get all the gardening done as it currently resembles a horrible jungle outside. May take DD to the park and have a picnic or something, see what she fancies doing x
Jul 18th '13 16:29 PM
Woohoo! Im extra excited for this weekend as my husband has been working nights all week and I've had to look after Holly pretty much all day on my own while he sleeps. Keeping an energetic toddler quiet is near impossible, and I won't even mention the tantrums!! Tomorrow night I'm having a well deserved glass of cider! My brother is coming round in the evening. Saturday we will probably go to the park, and Sunday we are doing a BBQ for my in laws. The first BBQ we've ever done!
Jul 19th '13 11:32 AM
I have fun and drinkys and girly time planned