What hobbies do you have?

Jul 11th '15 22:33 PM
I took up Tai chi a few months ago - love it and it helps with relaxation.

I have a horse - I'm too heavy to ride him at the moment but hope to be back in the saddle soon.

I like reading too but seldom have the peace or time to do it.
Jul 12th '15 01:25 AM
My pets are my hobby and keep me busy. I've got 2 dogs, a westie called Angus and a shih tzu called Archie, 2 guinea pigs, 2 cockatiels, 3 corn snakes, 2 royal pythons, 1 western hognose snake, 1 crested gecko, 1 New Caledonian giant gecko, 2 harvest mice, 17 various tarantulas, 2 adult tailless whip scorpions and 15+ taillesswhip scorpion babies. Plus a feeder cockroach colony.

All of them are in my room, well apart from the dogs, though they generally sleep on my bed. I have a chronic illness and spend a lot of time in bed so love lying watching all the various enclosures and vivariums in my room. They are sometimes the only things that keep me going.
Jul 12th '15 09:20 AM
Hi all, I have a bedside book. Can't get to sleep without it. I knit and crotchet. I used to make cards etc but stopped it to do a degree part time. I've been known to paint in the past. I should just have written all things crafty
I love to cook and bake all things pudding and cake shaped but I guess I'll need to put a bit of a stop to that one.
Apart from that I'm a movie freak and a gamer.
Having said all that I'm lucky if I get an hour to myself each to actually do any of that
Jul 12th '15 09:22 AM
Thisle what a great idea having so many incredible animals to watch whilst you're in your room. I recently recovered from a couple of operations and was stuck in my bed for weeks. I ended up watching tv the majority of the time. I can imagine it would be so much nicer watching all those little lives.
Jul 12th '15 10:24 AM
Thistle whilst I don't like snakes I do like dogs and lizards I can imagine the relaxation side of having pets in your room for you to watch too.

We have a pet turtle (a small one - about the size of your hand), who is quite comical as she tries to rearrange her tank every now and then and loves to attack a big juicy prawn now and then. she's lovely to watch. Though she belongs to our eldest daughter who is 16 the turtle is in the lounge.

JaquiE I used to love reading before bed, but got out of the habit when I moved in with my now husband (we've been together 17 years so that was a long time ago). My daughter loves reading before bed and reminds me of myself at that age, she was up still reading at 2am the other night when I got up for a pee. lol

Baking is also a habit I had to give up on due to the increased calories it brings.. maybe when the girls are grown I can bake to give them a cake to take home - so no calories left in the house! lol
Jul 17th '15 19:50 PM
I love to sew, currently in the process of bag making for Christmas presents
Jul 26th '15 06:25 AM
I love walking my dog and pottering in the garden. I've always got a book on the go, usually a crime/thriller, and love watching films and tv of the same genre. I'm half through a crosstitch but haven't done it for a while as I've been outside with the better weather. And though I love baking, it's something I've had to put a stop to because I was eating it all!
Aug 13th '15 03:09 AM
Emaline 30
I knit, crochet and sew.. now in the process of making myself a nightie.. and I want to learn to do patchwork as well.