What's in your fridge!

Jul 24th '14 16:24 PM
Inspired by a thread I saw on another forum, what's in your fridge??

This is a bit of a dark photo but this is our fridge:

We have loads of eggs, butter, avocados, pasta sauce, margarine, mushrooms, grapes, cottage cheese, welsh cheese, HP sauce, and my husband's sandwiches for work, lol!

This is the front of my fridge. Very toddler-orientated!

Jul 24th '14 18:49 PM
Nice tidy fridge Bev - not sure mine is up to scrutiny at the moment - it's full up!

Eggs, Cheese, Milk, Leftover Chilli, Chillis, Ginger, Red and White onions, Lettuce, grated carrot, Peppers, tomatoes, Diet drinks, low fat natural frmoage frais, a bottle of white wine (leftover from visitors but we can't drink it) A pineapple and a melon, bottles of water. Loads of low fat salad dressings and some pickles and beetroot.
Jul 26th '14 12:52 PM
I think we have a lot of stuff in our fridge right now as we just went shopping. Eggs, ground turkey, chicken thighs, sausage, lettuce, tomatoes, hot sauce, peaches, dressings, butter, cream, cheese, cream cheese. Let's just say that I think we are good for a little while.
Jul 27th '14 20:35 PM
This was a couple of weeks ago but what you see is what you'd find in my fridge most weeks

Attached Thumbnails
What's in your fridge!-image.jpg  

Jul 29th '14 18:39 PM
Most of mine looks like the kids stuff and not too healthy I love the pictures though, I am a nosey person lol