My Hair...

Jun 28th '13 19:44 PM
It is stupidly long, I need either styles to put it up in or help shaving it all off

Thank you
Jun 28th '13 19:56 PM
What? lol
Jun 28th '13 19:56 PM
I need some ideas of what to do with it to keep it out my face. Like hair styles. Or I will shave it off
Jun 28th '13 20:10 PM
Got you ....

Layered and layered around your face just past shoulder length with some dark highlights I would say. I think any more would give you a shock (after you shown me the picture).

Shorter round the face but fully shaped round the face, longer at the back x
Jun 28th '13 20:13 PM
I think the shape would help actually. will have to book to go get it done next week I think x
Jun 28th '13 20:16 PM

Jun 28th '13 21:05 PM
You could be brave like me... my hair went down just above the small of my back, and was dyed red/purple but naturally a light brown. Got sick of it not having a definite style and shaved it off......... so I now have a mohawk which is now back to its natural colour once I grew out the hairdye. Do it I dare ya
Jun 29th '13 07:11 AM
My hair got really long and was looking awful cos the ends were proper minging - I ended up getting my OH to cut it for me ive started experimenting with it more now cos it always seems to be just thrown back in a pony. So I'll do something like French plait a bit and then tie it back, French plait across the front or one of those French plaits that sort of curls round diagonally iykwim? I have had people commenting on it, cos they're so used to my half arsed efforts!

I may be a tad plait obsessed ATM, the girls ask for them every day and most days there's a plait somewhere in my hair - we must look right weirdos when we're out lol!
Jun 29th '13 10:28 AM
I got mine chopped before Easter (from way past shoulder to short choppy bob) and it's the best thing I've done No way am I growing it again . But side pony tails are cute xx
Jun 29th '13 20:25 PM
mine is always in plaits, buns or pony tails lol.

I think I just need to play around with it more