It's been a very emotional day :(

Jun 25th '13 23:08 PM
Firstly I had to go to a funeral of a man I grew up beside, only 59. Saddest funeral I've been to I don't know whether it's because I lost my cousin a couple of weeks back but I felt sad the whole time and teary.

Then there was a school celebration and there was pics in the school going back 50 years and I found one of my sister (who died 30 years ago) and that made me teary

Then my daughter in law (to be) texted me to say she's found her wedding dress :'(

Pass the flippin kleenex today..glad today is near over
Jun 26th '13 08:06 AM
((Hugs)) hope today is a better day chick xx
Jun 26th '13 08:58 AM
Oh Hun *hugs* I hope today's s better day xxx it must be so hard when your babies grow up and get married and stuff (*checks padlocks on loft* ) especially when it's combined with everything else xxx
Jun 26th '13 09:03 AM
I was just an emotional wreck yesterday. I was just very teary and found it hard during the whole funeral even though I wasn't close to the man. It's like it was an overspill of a couple of weeks ago and then it just kept coming

The married bit isn't too bad You gain extra family members so it's pretty cool actually and it'll be a major excuse to keep on this fitness track xx
Jun 26th '13 09:27 AM
Yea sometimes it's just like the straw that breaks the camel's back isn't it? *hugs*

My BILs getting married next year which has prompted MIL to join WW she's doing really well, it's funny how weddings do that to you lol
Jun 26th '13 12:02 PM
i hope you will feel emotionally better hard when so many sad thing happen one after a other .

but yes a wedding will be great celebration !
Jun 26th '13 13:03 PM
Jun 26th '13 15:08 PM
she's back I see xx
Jun 26th '13 15:34 PM
Thought that would make you smile lol x
Jun 26th '13 19:35 PM
Aww I'm not surprised its gotten to you given what's happened lately though Hun