Easter holidays

Apr 15th '14 17:47 PM
Have you been up to much?

It's gorgeous here but my kids have had back to back chicken pox and they've been stuck to the house for 2 weeks now, still not able to go out. Gutting really my eldest who got it after the youngest has been so poorly with it

Tomorrow is a gorgeous day so definitely a day in the garden needed and I've bought them the ingredients to make some cupcakes.

So yer not much fun here!

Going to treat them as soon as they are better to a full Saturday out of food and a family day out just not decided where yet!
Apr 15th '14 19:16 PM
Hope your kids are feeling better soon. It's sad that they've had to stay in

It's such lovely weather this week. Typical when my husband is working nights and we can't do anything as a family We did manage to get to the park in frodsham this afternoon though.

Apr 17th '14 09:10 AM
Hope they're better soon! Chicken pox is awful I'm so glad it's been and gone here! My two got it the day we moved house

We've been busy, but don't seem to have done much iykwim? Starting to go slightly crazy now mind - can't wait for work on Saturday ooo and we're going to a wedding Sunday
Apr 17th '14 11:58 AM
Right now I am waiting for an allergic reaction from one of my kids to calm down. It seems my little one is allergic to something within the fluoride she got this week during a dental checkup. I hope the rash goes away before the holiday kicks in, she is very grumpy about it.
Apr 17th '14 15:32 PM
Unfortunately, finances being stretched as they are at the moment, we haven't been able to do much. Luckily the weather has been kind and we live in a beautiful county, so free activities are available and the kids are with their dad this weekend, so they will be spoiled!
Apr 17th '14 17:21 PM
Ruby I always feel bad for taking the easy options out which cost money, kids love the outdoors, I need to find more free outdoor places for this summer. I plan to move back to Northern Ireland soon and we're going to be right beside a beach, can't wait!

I have some Easter egg hunt goodies ready and clues for the girls on Sunday. They've been invited to 2 parties over Saturday and Monday, I just don't think my Caitlin is up for it, she is coming out of the contagious side of things but she is soooo groggy and her spots won't be clear (un-viewable) far from.

avidian hope your LOs rash clears up for you in time!
Apr 17th '14 22:14 PM
Y'know, we took ours for a walk the other day through a country park cos we were feeling a bit skint, so took a picnic. I felt a bit crap cos we weren't doing something more "fun", but I'd genuinely never seen my small one so happy before - she was totally in her element! And the fresh air's good for them!

Avidian, I hope your LOs better soon!

Wobbs, you've just reminded me I've not bought any eggs yet I've been more concerned about this wedding! Which brings me on to today...

5 bloody hours to buy one dress I was raging by the end! The big one's so fussy and knows her mind (no idea where she gets that from ) and wouldn't settle for anything less than what she wanted! I had a large glass of wine when I got in, which broke all my usual rules, but it was so needed!
Apr 18th '14 16:48 PM
Sometimes the best things in life are free. I know that is such a cliche but it's true. Kids love the park where all they need to do is run and play and they are able to yell as loud as they want.

I hope everyone is over their chicken pox and allergic reactions and on to a happier weekend.

Happy Easter to everyone.
Apr 19th '14 19:44 PM
She still looks awful but over the worst now.

Tomorrow we will have an Easter egg hunt, make Easter chocolate rice cakes and chill with a movie while Daddy cooks a chicken roast dinner
Apr 20th '14 01:34 AM
We just got back from our vacation. We went to the beach. We had a little bit of sickness during the week. Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the mid 70s. We are planning on being outside all day.