Tummy troubles (poss tmi!)

Apr 17th '14 01:47 AM
Coke and a Hershey bar is what helps me. When I am constipated those two items help me go. You have to drink the Coke and eat the Hershey bar at the same time. Other candy bars don't work.
Apr 17th '14 08:48 AM
I'm about ready to try anything! I don't drink a lot of coke cos it really bloats me, but will have a wander to the sweet shop later and see if they sell Hershey bars and try it!

I've gone from uncomfortable to properly painful I'm going to have a breakfast of prunes and apples washed down with a strong coffee and pint of water! My stomach's all hard, sore and bloated, although it could be to do with last night's ab work out too.
Apr 17th '14 20:56 PM
Ouch, that sounds so painful I hope that something works soon!
Apr 17th '14 21:53 PM
I had a huuuuuggggeeeee poo this morning it felt absolutely amazing I've felt about a stone lighter all day! I can't believe how uncomfortable I was. I think it was last night's ab work combined with a really strong coffee and an apple that did the trick. I managed a mouthful of a prune, but they're not very nice dried!
Apr 18th '14 08:50 AM
Yay!! That must have felt like such a relief! Hope it doesn't happen again!