Household chores and list writing

Feb 28th '14 11:09 AM
Does anyone else do this?! I've just realised I do the same things every day, but every day I write myself a little list of everything I need to do so I can tick them off! If I don't have a list I get really confused, but I do the exact same things. And rooms get broken down, so I have things like pots, pots away, tidy kitchen, kitchen sides, sweep kitchen.

It's suddenly hit me how ridiculous it is! I think it helps me prove to myself what I've done as well rather than looking around after the kids have undone all my mess and wondering what I've done!

Am I the only one this crazy?!
Feb 28th '14 11:39 AM
I don't do this, but I can see how motivating it would be. There is something very satisfying about ticking off chores!
Mar 2nd '14 01:10 AM
I don't think it's crazy at all. Lists are the only way I keep track of things. When I was in college, I used to scribble out my weekly schedule on my bathroom mirror in dry erase marker.

I'm a very forgetful person, though, so lists are extremely necessary. Plus, crossing something off the list is very satisfying, you know? Especially when your routine stays the same from day to day.
Mar 2nd '14 09:41 AM
I'm really forgetful, it's awful I think it is partially the satisfaction aspect I like though, seeing a long list of ticked off things! I might try today without a list, but I bet I'll get confused
Mar 2nd '14 15:41 PM
I like writing lists. Just by writing them, it gets the thing I want to remember to stick in my brain. Plus, like you said, you get that feeling of accomplishment when you get to draw a line through the items you've finished. Then I ball the list up and throw it in the trash. I think mainly I like playing with pen and paper.