Seven days left!

Dec 16th '13 20:38 PM
I can't believe we're less than two weeks away from Christmas! Ugh. I'm not looking forward to going Christmas shopping this week. I'd hoped to avoid crowds, but so much for that.

How are you guys faring?
Dec 16th '13 21:13 PM
I only need to shop for one more thing and thankfully it is something I can get pretty easy at a dollar store, more wrapping paper. We stocked up years ago but I guess we have used more in the past than we thought because we had 1/8 of a roll left and it died on the first present.
Dec 16th '13 21:50 PM
I can't wait! I only need to buy two boxes of biscuits for. present and then I'm all done. I hate the shops at this time of year, the crowds make me so stressed out!
Dec 17th '13 04:09 AM
I opted to shop online this year so everything I've ordered is on the way. Now I've just got to keep my fingers crossed that everything gets here in time!
Dec 17th '13 12:26 PM
I pretty much did everything online too

Think I'm just about done this year This time next week it will be Christmas eve
Dec 17th '13 14:33 PM
I've everything done, last small parcels went today and I've bought a couple of extra stocking fillers for the girls that need wrapped but other than cooking dinner it's pretty much sorted
Dec 17th '13 14:58 PM
I've still not done, although I did 99% of my shopping on Friday and Saturday! I just need to buy OHs present (and find some money to buy it with ) and I'm making my sister a bag, which I'm yet to start! I still don't know how many people are coming for Xmas dinner Which is stressing me out! Totally not feeling the Xmas spirit this year!
Dec 17th '13 20:13 PM
Silly! If you hate crowds why did you wait so long to shop? I wonder when the last day to order online is? I thought I read that a lot of online stores were going to have a "free shipping" day on December 18th. They even guaranteed Christmas delivery.
Dec 18th '13 03:51 AM
Thanks for the tip on free shipping, aboutme. Sadly I was forced to wait due to finances. Had to make sure first of the month bills were squared away before we could tackle Christmas. The end is in sight, though. Soon...soon the madness will be over.
Dec 18th '13 08:29 AM
Poppy, try going early morning! I went as soon as the shops opened last week and it wasn't yoo bad! I had to wait cos of finances too! We had birthdays in November and when I was shopping for them the shops were full of people Xmas shopping! I think our last post day is today - I must remember to go to the post office!