After dropping the weight

Dec 2nd '13 19:08 PM
Besides just the emotional boost it gives, have others noticed changed? For me after I dropped most of the weight I noticed big changes with my hair and nails, this was well after I quit smoking so I can not really relate it to that. Also skin changes (for the better). Am I just imagining this?
Dec 2nd '13 19:25 PM
My nails are definitely in better condition! And I've finally stopped biting them! I've still got skin like a teenager, I doubt it's likely to change any time soon, I've been plagued with bad skin for the last 15 years!

My posture's tonnes better too, I used to kinda shrink into myself, shoulders rounded trying to hide, but now my shoulders are back, boobs out and head held high!
Dec 2nd '13 19:36 PM
The thing I have noticed the most, and this may be too gross to mention, is that my bowels seem to function much better. I have far less stomach problems and heartburn too.
Dec 2nd '13 19:38 PM
Nothing's ever too gross to mention

Oddly, I've been suffering really badly with heartburn the last couple of weeks. I did panic a little until I realised there was no way it could be pregnancy related
Dec 2nd '13 19:45 PM
Mine got better when I cut out a lot of grease from my diet. I do notice that when I eat a lot of raw veggies that it flares up again. I guess my system just doesn't want to digest all that raw stuff.
Dec 3rd '13 08:39 AM
It might actually be the other way round! Raw food digests a lot quicker than things like meat, so it could be that your body's trying to digest something else and the raw veg is digesting a lot quicker and the backlog so to speak is causing heartburn! My biology's a bit rubbish mind so that could be total rubbish! If I remember right, meat can take weeks to fully digest when I first became veggie again I had awful trapped wind and bloating, which according to dr google was because the higher levels of fibre and the change in the amount of veg I was eating was making the new food break down quicker than the stuff already in my system!
Dec 3rd '13 16:39 PM
I don't do well eating raw veggies, they have to be at least steamed for me to go near them. I am pretty sure my nails now grow better than they did when I was pregnant. I am far from a vegetarian but here is a good image for the rest of you to enjoy.

Attached Thumbnails
After dropping the weight-veggies.jpg  

Dec 3rd '13 19:09 PM
My posture
My skin (guessing all the water helps)
More active
More awake in the mornings (although the dark mornings isn't helping that atm)
More energy
Was suffering IBS occasionally and I haven't in months

Dec 3rd '13 21:35 PM
I'm properly chuckling at that!

Wobbs I wish I was more awake in the mornings, I still can't do mornings - never have done and probably never will

My energy levels have gone right down this week, but I'm still run down and have been eating far too much rubbish
Dec 3rd '13 21:54 PM
I think the biggest thing for me has been a change in posture that came with working out regularly. I haven't even lost much weight yet but since I've been working out for a few months now, I sit up straighter.