What is the plan for this weekend?

Nov 9th '13 18:39 PM
Is anyone doing anything fun or exciting? Any outdoor activities planned?

Not me. I am going to go to my cousin's house in a little bit and help her do some painting. It's not exactly the way I want to spend my time, but it will be some good arm exercise.
Nov 9th '13 22:32 PM
I've had a mad busy day! I was up early making 40-odd sandwiches, then took my small one to a party, and then had the big one's birthday party! I'm shattered now and my big girl turns 5 tomorrow
Nov 10th '13 15:32 PM
Quiet weekend for me! Spent the past few days with family, and got caught up before the hectic rush of school and winter holidays set in. Nice change of pace.
Nov 10th '13 17:01 PM
Happy birthday to your little, big one, PrincessPikachu. Five years old!

Nothing happening over this way today (Sunday). Catching up on some laundry and housecleaning. It's a drab day and very windy outside. I'm going to start a pot of vegetable soup in a few minutes.
Nov 11th '13 12:42 PM
Saturday we didn't do anything and then Sunday we went to my husband's family for dinner.

Can't believe it's Monday already!