Summer vs. Winter Motivation

Nov 6th '13 16:32 PM
Each has its own merits.

In the summer, we wear less clothes and I feel more out of sorts about being overweight and the motivation to lose is strong. It's so hot, though, that I just don't feel like working out and getting overheated. I don't like to cook when it's hot and my appetite isn't as great.

In the winter, we can hide under more clothes but the baggy sweaters can only do so much to hide weight and can also make me look bulky and huge. It's much cooler in winter, so exercising is more fun, but I also feel like cooking and eating more often.
Nov 6th '13 17:01 PM
For some reason I always do much better on diets in winter. I think it's because I've always seemed to diet in winter so I always associate that time of year with diets now!
Nov 6th '13 18:14 PM
I do better in winter too, I think it's cos I'm preparing for summer and then when summer comes round I don't see the point I've always found January a huge motivation too!
Nov 6th '13 18:27 PM
Yes, January! That's always a great time to start. It all feels like I've been given a fresh jump on things with my new calendar!
Nov 6th '13 20:10 PM
I don't think I've bothered to diet in the winter before (this is my first year). I get stuck at Christmas dinner and think sod it until spring

Wonder if I have more luck in the winter, because summer sure didn't bring much luck