Ainsley Harriot cous cous

Feb 4th '17 19:44 PM
OH NO I think I just messed up!!!!! Thought I read somewhere that ainsley cous cous was free but looked on google and I don't think they are, can someone tell me how many syns the wild mushroom one is....I've also got a lime and coriander one in the cupboard
Feb 4th '17 20:31 PM
The wild mushroom is 2.5 syn per 100g pack, excluding oil & butter.
I can't see syns for a lime & coriander one, but the lemon, coriander and mint is 0.5 syns per 125g packet, again excluding oil & butter

I think some used to be free, but the ingredients changed a while ago (couple of years I think) which meant they then had a syn value.
That's where googling syns can be confusing. There are so many posts with old syn values on that obviously never get removed (who wants to spend all that time removing/changing old posts! ) that Google can give you wrong answers.
Always best to check here one of us will look for the up to date info

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Feb 17th '17 09:54 AM
A pack is to serve 2 so weight out 50g from the pack and its not too bad, I always use them.