
Jan 21st '16 20:06 PM
See didn't take long before I needed advice...

Milk...... The 250ml you are allowed on HEA, can that be spread out over your day and be syn free?
Like 2 cups of tea then the rest in your porridge? Anything after the 250ml is then counted as Suns at 2.5 per serving?

Also, if I chose milk as me HEA and porridge as HEB then all other things in those lists are then syn value, I.e laughing cow triangles?

Sorry if it sounds dumb, still trying to get my head round it x
Jan 21st '16 20:12 PM
In short, yes

You don't have to have the full 250ml at once, you can spread it out across the day however you like
And then any extra you have will then be synned at 2.5 Syns per 100ml.
And yes to the last one also, if you've had your full hex a and hex b, you have to syn everything after that. Generally it's 6 Syns for a full portion of anything on those lists.

Does that make sense? and it doesn't sound dumb, we've all been there!
Jan 21st '16 20:15 PM
Thank you so much for your help, I understand now.

Do you know how much light cheese slices are? Can't find it 😟

I'll stop mithering now.....promise 😜
Jan 21st '16 20:16 PM
What brand?
Jan 21st '16 20:17 PM
Sainsburys own. Are they even allowed hahaha
Jan 21st '16 20:18 PM

Jan 21st '16 20:19 PM
Does that help?? From the looks of that you can have the cheese singles (individually wrapped ones) as your hex a choice, and you get 3 of those
Jan 21st '16 20:20 PM
You're a star.. Thank you again
Jan 21st '16 20:20 PM
No worries