Parmesan cheese - syns

Nov 20th '18 19:31 PM
I always use my healthy extra A by having either 30 grams of cheddar or parmesan cheese with a meal, sometimes though I like to have a second meal later in the day with the same amount of cheese, so I was wondering what the syn value would be for 30 grams of cheddar cheese? Or Parmesan cheese? I know healthy extras are usually about 6 syns at the most so I'm guessing 6 syns?
Nov 25th '18 13:32 PM
Found these on the app for you

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Nov 29th '18 22:52 PM
Thanks very much Sarah! It's a real pity the app isn't available to non-members... would make things so much easier
Dec 11th '18 22:09 PM
It would, but it would also defeat the whole membership requirement completely... SW wouldn’t be making anything then lol

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Dec 16th '18 12:44 PM