New "oldie" or old "newbie"

Jul 16th '17 15:31 PM
Started back at class this past Weds. Really pleased to start at 11.2, also when I rejoined online I find that I am down 12.5lbs overall. Well chuffed with that. Not too much to lose now, I have got 10.7 in mind but will see how I feel as I go. I don't make it look easy either mind just to warn you all lol. Hoping to pick up lots of tips on here and am happy to share any of the limited knowledge I have. Happy slimming everyone x
Jul 16th '17 15:32 PM
That's a great start

I think that's great idea, have a goal in mind, but you can always alter it when you get closer to it. That's what I did. I aimed at 10 stone as my target, but I know I'll most likely change it when I get closer to it

Best of luck this week! x
Jul 16th '17 18:46 PM
Hi and welcome to Social Slimmers! It sounds like you're off to a great start, well done!