How do you use your Syns

Mar 22nd '17 13:49 PM
I was just wondering how people use their Syns?
I'm currently 6st 4lb down and from the start have taken a weekly approach to Syns.
There have been a lot of weeks where I have stayed within my 15 per day, but other weeks where I have a busy pre planned weekend so use around 60-80 at the weekend and leave myself with a few to use for the rest of the week.
I always remain within my 105 weekly allowance and only have high syn weekends for nights out, or social events.
I was just interested to know what others do?
Mar 22nd '17 14:32 PM
Firstly, amazing loss! Well done!!

I switch between both methods. If I know I have plans at the weekend, I limit my syns on the days leading up to it, and I'll count them weekly.
If I don't have any plans, I'll use them daily.
But whichever way I keep track, I always use the minimum of 5 each day

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Mar 30th '17 14:06 PM
I very rarely use all of my syns, I have an "allowance" of 20, somedays I am lucky if I use 6! My consultant tells me it is ok not to use all of my syns, but i do worry that if I do not use them and then one week I use all of my syns then will I gain weight, I do have to keep enough syns every day for some toast at bed times if it is required as I am diabetic so I do have to watch out for that, if I have a hypo through the day I will use my glucose tablets (0.5syns each) and then I will have a carb, a baked potato or a slice of toast etc.

Mar 30th '17 15:01 PM
The recommendation is to use a minimum of 5 every day.
If that's all you use, that's fine. But use some everyday.
You can't force yourself to use them if you don't want them, but you are more likely to feel deprived and binge if you don't use a few each day.
Your body needs those things to avoid cravings etc. And that's why they're incorporated into the plan.

Also, you lose more weight when you use your syns. Strange, but extremely true. I've seen it so many times over 6 years. Don't cut everything out 100%.

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