Advice on Slimming World friendly foods

Jan 9th '17 13:22 PM

I am visiting the UK later this month for my daughter's graduation. While I am there I am determined to fill up my checked case with as many things as I can which I can't get over here in Denmark. Essentially, if it's branded I probably can't get it here.

So far my list is, Sugar Free Jelly, Curly Wurlys, Options hot chocolate. I might also buy some of the wraps if they are still HEB to put in my freezer when I get back.

Do you have any favourite free/low syn items I should look out for while I am over?

Thank you!

Jan 9th '17 14:17 PM
The only HEB wraps are BFree Gluten Free ones--the WW ones aren't anymore.

I love the Fibre One bars--you can find these at Sainsbury's and Tesco, possibly elsewhere as well. They come in three varieties: brownie, salted caramel, and lemon drizzle, all 4syns each. The lemon drizzle ones, in my opinion, are a little dry, but the other two varieties are fantastic.

I've also taken to buying the Cadbury's Heroes treat-size pack. You get a mix of 16 little bars including Chomp (3syns), Fudge (3syns), Curly Wurly (3.5syns), and Crunchie (4syns).
Jan 9th '17 14:34 PM
Thank you so much Kay, they all sound great and huge thanks for clearing up the wraps, would be a bit sad if I bought the wrong ones haha.

Thanks again, definitely adding those to my list.
Jan 9th '17 14:45 PM
I'd agree on the mini bags of chocolates, I don't really eat the mugshots/pasta n sauces but if they appeal to you lots of those are free (and would be light to carry)
Jan 10th '17 11:07 AM
Thanks Ernie, no they don't really appeal to me either, quite easy to make a free pasta salad for the fridge isn't it. Be great to get some of the more "naughty" items for when I just fancy a chocolate or whatnot

I've contacted a SW consultant who runs a group near my Mum's house and I am popping along for a group meeting (sadly I have to join even though am paying exorbitant online membership fee - grumble grumble haha) but then I can maybe get some of the SW goodies too, and I will get the books so it's not all bad
Jan 10th '17 13:05 PM
in terms of treats as well, what about low syn crisps - not sure how well they would travel? Freddos are only 5 syns and Mikado sticks are only something like half a syn each. All the kiddy sized chocolate are low. Also, all the easter stuff is out right now so things like mini eggs, mini crème eggs etc are low syn if you can stick to only having a few a day etc.
Jan 10th '17 13:47 PM
Ooh yes, Mikado sticks are great! I love the Daim ones myself. Caramel Freddos are also only 4.5syns, someone I follow on Instagram sticks them in the freezer which makes them last much longer as an evening treat.

Matchmakers are 1syn each, and come in orange and mint varieties. A few of them really hit the spot for me!
Jan 11th '17 10:10 AM
Sunbites popcorn is great at only 2½ syns per bag. I love the sweet and salty variety.
Jan 11th '17 11:30 AM
Oh yes! I second that popcorn, really nice
Jan 11th '17 17:25 PM
oh will have to get some of those.