Ok, I was sceptical

Oct 30th '16 12:23 PM
I joined SW last weekend (just the online version) after trying and failing on two other diets, first I tried Atkins, fair enough it works well and the weight falls off, but lets be honest, anything that tastes good has carbs in it! so that went out the door after 10 days. Then I tried WW, I only lasted 2 days on that, talk about starvation! there's probably Ethiopians get to eat more! so SW was my last chance saloon, I thought what the hell and paid my £60 to join, sticking with only free foods and healthy extras, I'm having bigger and better meals than I was having before, and saving my 15 syns for a can of beer and bar of chocolate at night, it was great. I thought how the hell can I lose weight eating as much as this? I started at exactly 19st and had my first weigh in yesterday, I found I'd lost 7 1/2lbs in the first week alone! This doesn't feel like a diet...........there must be witchcraft involved.

ps. I'm not sceptical any more
Oct 30th '16 14:15 PM
Welcome to SW and to Social Slimmers! That's a fantastic loss on your first week, and it sounds like you've finally discovered the right plan for you!

SW is basically a low fat diet, and it works by getting you into long term habits of eating fattier foods in moderation and generally improving your relationship with food so that you're making healthier choices first.

Best of luck going forward!
Oct 30th '16 16:44 PM
Well done I was sceptical too at the start when I joined I'm also an online member keep up the good work it's an amazing eating plan!
Oct 30th '16 20:44 PM
Hi and welcome to Social Slimmers! You're doing great!

Nov 1st '16 15:18 PM
Well done 👍 I'm doing it online too this is my fourth week like you I was amazed how much I could eat ..... it works. Welcome to the group
Nov 6th '16 11:44 AM
I too was skeptical, I've done every diet known to man and after a good first week I usually drop down to 0.5lb weight loss a week, so after losing 3lb on my own following Slimming World imagine my surprise to find I lost another 3lb on my official weigh in. Onwards and downwards. Good luck next week.