Going around the room and asked to share about last or following week.

Oct 18th '16 20:10 PM
Hi, Maybe this is just me.But I do enjoy staying in the group after the weigh in.The consultant is really nice and likes you to stay.BUT do all the groups go around the room letting everyone how you have done.Then you have to answer a question in front of all the group something like What are you going to do next week different from this week .I sometimes struggle to answer in front of everyone and feel rather awkward.I am doing very well (lost 2 stone in 10 weeks),But I am thinking of just getting weighed and then leaving.They also have a game where group is split into 2 and you have to add up all the scores. As I said maybe it is just me, Would be grateful for any of you thoughts on this.:
Oct 19th '16 09:11 AM
If you're finding that going to group, swapping tips and such is helpful, then definitely stay to the group. Otherwise, you're just spending £5 a week to get weighed (and of course, access the app/online site etc) and you could just do that for 50p at Boots instead.

Could you ask your consultant not to call on you? There were some people in my old group that I noticed didn't get called on, so I assumed that they were a little shy and didn't like speaking in front of everyone.

Sounds like what happens in your current group is exactly the same as what happened in my old group. I left after three weeks (I think) because that group seemed to all be split up into established friend groups and no one really made any effort with the newbies. I'm quite shy myself and not one to just strike up a conversation with a stranger, so it didn't end up working for me. But being on the forum here has helped so much, and I'm completely back on track now
Oct 19th '16 09:20 AM
Thank you Kaybird, yes seems to be like that.Everybody sits in the same place with same group.Maybe I will try another group.Lots and lots of people do not stay and maybe they feel same as me.
Oct 19th '16 10:18 AM
Yeah its the same in all groups, to be honest i don't mind it as everyone that is there is there for the same reason, and it is motovating. I always stay to group as you always get tips and sometimes you find your not doing something right or helping others. Plus you build friendships i have a group of ladies that i sit with and they are all lovely and have a great laugh together.
Oct 19th '16 11:47 AM
It is exactly the same in all groups, or should be as that is what the consultants are told to do by their bosses.
It's called Image Therapy and part of the Image Therapy is going around and chatting to each individual person and allowing them a chance to vent if they need to, be pleased if they want to be pleased, or get something of their chest. I like this part now as my current consultant actually speaks to me properly. My last one kept skimming over me which really annoyed me as I wanted my little spot to vent or be happy about something like everyone else. It was so unsupportive, but it was the other people in my group that kept me there.

If you aren't keen on speaking out in front of the others, why don't you do like kaybird suggested, and ask your consultant to miss you out, or not ask too many questions? Maybe praise you on your losses, ask if there is anything you need help with, and then move on? You can always chat to your consultant separately from the others if you need to, say if you've got a problem or just need a little advice.

With regards to the game, it's just there to add a little fun to the group. I have to admit that we don't play it in our session, but that's purely because we essentially told our consultant we didn't like playing the game, so now we only play when her boss comes in but as it was a majority vote, she can't force us! (I don't think there was anyone at all who wanted to play it )

I've been at my group for years, and I went into it as a lone person, not knowing anyone, and after a few weeks, you kind of get chatting to people and then you've got this little group of friends and as you keep going, you get to know people more.
They were the main reason I kept going to group when I went through a really bad patch personally and ended up putting all my weight back on from being at target. I enjoy seeing them each week and it's nice to go up there.

I see a lot of people who don't stay to group, and it's not for everyone necessarily, but we've also got some people who stay every so often rather than every week.

It's whether you feel you benefit from those tips that others come up with in group, or new recipes, or those people who have an issue with something that you might have noticed too, but haven't asked anyone about. Even now, I'm still picking things up from other people, so I'm always learning something new

Oh dear! Sorry for the ramble!
Oct 19th '16 14:37 PM
Great replies, noticed this afternoon the consultant quickly passed a few other ladies with just a couple of words (They too looked self concious) So I think next week I will have a quick word with her to do the same with me.
Hopefully little problem solved, as I do enjoy going.
Oct 20th '16 10:04 AM
I love staying to group and have never missed one since I started in January this year. When I first went I didn't know one other person there but I am outgoing and not really phased about speaking in public so I am lucky in that regard. Sometimes I think I should apply a sticking plaster over my lips before group because I might sometimes talk too much lol.

I agree with the poster who suggested speaking to your group leader and saying you would rather just have your loss acknowledged and she quickly move on to the next person. I am sure there are plenty like me in any group who will happily take up any space left to talk :-D

Someone said here about clicks. I don't really think, well certainly not in the group I go to, these are intentional. It is the way things go. At my first few meetings I knew no-one but now eight months later I have made some lovely friends there and we do tend to sit together but not because we want to exclude new members just because we want to sit together. I am very conscious of people feeling left out and try to position ourselves beside newbies so that they might feel included.

Hope you keep going to group (and you are doing amazingly well btw). You will love it once you iron out the speaking part with your leader and who knows, as time goes by you may find yourself more able to speak out more once you feel comfortable and know a few faces there. :-)
Oct 20th '16 14:04 PM
Thank you ever so much.I will keep with it and hope my confidence grows as the weight comes off.
Oct 20th '16 15:01 PM
Quote by northwest3:
Thank you ever so much.I will keep with it and hope my confidence grows as the weight comes off.

It will.