Extra Easy SP Week

Jun 29th '16 08:50 AM
Hi there

I decided last night that i would do a week of Extra Easy SP after hearing about it last night in class.

So i know i can have 2 HEB and all needs to be speed and protein food.

Any tips?

Thanks in advance
Jun 29th '16 09:06 AM
A few tips that intially come to mind:

- make sure all your meals are half and half of Speed and Protein foods - if they aren't equal you won't get the full effect.
- You still get your normal syn allowance, and as normal should use it.
- you can't have any free foods at all, i.e. potatoes, rice, mullerlights etc. and you also can't have synned alternatives of those foods, e.g. the Uncle Ben's rices, then McCain frozen jackets, or yogurts that normally have syns. If you want a yogurt type thing, there are Quark yogurts which are classed as a protein food so you can have them on an SP day (they're apparently really nice, lots in my group rave about them, although I've not tried them myself yet!)

A few alternatives to something you would normally have in a meal are:
Caluiflower rice - I bloody love this stuff!
Butternut squash chips
Carrot or courgette spaghetti
Mixed veg cous cous

(the mixed veg cous cous, carrot and courgette spaghetti and cauliflower rice [called cous cous] can be bought pre-made in Tesco & Asda, etc. which saves effort if you don't have a spiraliser thingy for the spaghetti)

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head, but ask away if you get stuck
Jun 29th '16 09:08 AM
Hi Sarah

Thanks for the tips, will let you know how i get on.

Not sure i will manage a full week but will try a few days anyway.

Amanda x