
Feb 24th '16 14:24 PM
i think i will do that actually! might put me a little more at ease if i see something going in the right direction! x
Feb 26th '16 12:10 PM
it sounds to me like youre doing all the right things! so dont let it put you down, like the above comment says, you could be toning up! how much exercise are you doing? and how often?
Mar 19th '16 10:58 AM
you can lose more weight by adding exercise with your diet. such as walking, running, skipping rope etc.
Mar 20th '16 16:15 PM
i dont mean to be rude but how much weight do you want to loose.

I also used to compare myself to others but have now realized that it is my own journey and i will get to the finish line sometime its not about who finishes first to me. some take the quick route while others like myself take the scenic route but i have learnt from that.

You will get there in the end.