Can someone tell me if I'm eating correctly? I'm new to this please

Jan 15th '16 10:37 AM
Good luck with your first weigh in
Jan 15th '16 10:45 AM
Thank you ernie it's not to tonight but I will keep youse all updated.. do you have any ideas of a light lunch? I'm never really Hungary at lunch time I have to force myself to eat x
Jan 15th '16 10:52 AM
I am quite boring with lunches, usually I would like to have a sandwich but I usually use my HExb on cereal in the mornings so I have either pasta or rice or just regular salad with ham or eggs or cheese. If you have got instagram search for the slimmingworld tag and there are loads of ideas of what to have, also people's food diaries on here can be a good source of inspiration as well. A lot of people also take left overs to work, but I never have any leftovers haha! fruit and a free yoghurt might be good if you're not that hungry but should eat and should tick you over til dinner time.
Jan 15th '16 10:59 AM
I use my bread for breakfast maybe that's why I'm never really Hungary come lunch time, I'll try some pasta today.. Do you eat it dry or add some sauce?
Jan 15th '16 11:01 AM
I'm on salads at the minute... Just enough to keep me going until tea time
Jan 15th '16 11:04 AM
I usually have it cold with some French dressing, I think most of them are free if they are below a certain amount of calories per tablespoon, the one I have got it 8 calories per tablespoon so I count it as free and I add loads of chopped up cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, onions... whatever is in the fridge usually. If I am at home I usually make a tomatoey sauce with tinned tomatoes and veg and let it boil away til its a bit thick. You can use passata too
Jan 15th '16 11:05 AM
I do like salads but I couldn't eat them a lot and it's also very cold in Northern Ireland ATM it's snowing so I like things that are hot.. I could live on them in the summer though xx
Jan 15th '16 11:07 AM
I have passata here , would chicken pasta with passata onions peppers and mushrooms be enough speed for one meal sorry to bombard you with questions btw
Jan 15th '16 11:45 AM
yeah sounds good to me! sometimes I just have a big pile of broccoli or cucumber if I am being lazy haha, just get the vegetables up to make 1/3 of the meal and you're good to go That's ok thats' what this forum is for, you'll get your head round it soon and it will all be second nature.
Jan 15th '16 20:05 PM
I lost 7lb I am sooooo happy 😊😊😊😊