Christmas tipples

Nov 26th '15 15:39 PM
What are the worst and best Christmas drinks? I've never been one for eggnog or mulled wine, but I'm always brought a bottle of whiskey or port. When we have family over on boxing day it's usually a free for all with all the bottles that are on the sideboard. What should I be steering clear of?

I'm guessing most have a little drink over christmas? What is your drink of choice?
Nov 26th '15 19:51 PM
Baileys has got to be the worst I should think, just because it is essentially cream. Most spirits seem to be pretty much the same in syns, give or take maybe half a syn. I usually drink spiced rum and that's 2.5 syns for 25ml, vodka I think is 3 syns for 25ml. Trouble is, it's measures out for you at the pub but probably isn't at home!
Nov 27th '15 10:23 AM
I think lager, cider and Baileys are the worst. Wine is probably in the middle. And like Ernie said, spirits with a diet mixer are probably your best bet. I'm not a big drinker but do like a glass of red 🍷
Dec 2nd '15 10:52 AM
Mulled wine I think is the absolute worst... 30 syns for a small mug at the Christmas Markets... normal wine is an average of 27-30 syns per bottle!

A pint of lager is around 10-14 syns, and last a lot longer! (And for me, tastes so much better, I really don't like mulled wine!!)

I will drink wine, but it'll be spirits and diet mixers otherwise (Malibu and Southern Comfort mostly)