Am i eating enough

Oct 21st '15 12:37 PM
Hey Slimmers, ive never been a big eater and i do get full quick but slimming world says the more you eat the more you loose?

Is this why my loses are becoming more difficult?

I usually eat
Breakfast: fat free yog + apple or raisins
Dinner : 2x eggs quorn sausage tomato 1/2 tin of beans and spring onion or along the lines of jacket pot & tuna salad.
Tea: chicken always lots of veggies & pasta/potatos/couscous
Drink around 2 litres of fluid

Does this seem enough?
Oct 21st '15 12:40 PM
How close are you to your target weight? If you've lost quite a bit so far and are closer to your target weight, it definitely becomes harder to get that last few lbs off.

It is true that the more you eat the more you lose - eating more keeps your body 'working' on processing the food you've eaten. But it makes no sense to eat when you are already full.
Generally your food seems ok, do you have many syns each day/during the week? A lack of syns can also slow weight loss...
Oct 21st '15 12:46 PM
Ive lost 2st 2Ibs and i have 12Ibs until target. I vary from day to day sometimes ill have some nuts/peanut butter/ hot chocolate or use syns in the oil i cook with but never use over 10 a day on average.

I also have 1 meal on a sunday where i tend to keep it healthy but not count syns "cheat meal" so like a home cooked curry with chips and nam bread or steak and chips with the trimmings
Oct 21st '15 13:01 PM
Well done on your losses so far! That's fantastic!
As much as it has obviously worked up to now by having a 'cheat meal' and not counting syns, maybe try counting them and just see if you are going over the 105 you are allowed per week. It's surprising how much of a difference going over your syns can make. It can be the difference between losing 2lbs and losing 0.5lbs.

I'm assuming you are using your healthy extras everyday too? Not having them can make a big difference.
Oct 21st '15 13:30 PM
I will try that thank you

Yes i use all my hexb but admit sometimes not my hexa
Oct 21st '15 14:27 PM
As a suggestion for your hex a, if you get some cheesestrings or babybels (if you like them that is!) you can have 2 of either as your hex a choice. I tend to snack on those if I don't include my cheese in a meal (I don't like milk so I only ever have cheese lol)
Oct 21st '15 16:40 PM
Oh thats a good idea i dont have milk either so struggle because i have free yoghurts. Thank you